With murder a rarity in their small town, the Harper Police Department, led by Chief Grady Noland, is challenged in its response to the bizarre events and widely circulating, outrageous rumors. When Brad Childers—a schizophrenic plagued by hallucinations—misinterprets something he sees, his friend Jesse persuades him to kill his whole family. Brad is committed to an asylum for the criminally insane. The Watkins brothers are jailed for Peter Dewberry’s murder, and their escape leads to a confrontation with Nancy and Danny Dewberry. Meanwhile, Bone Ludlow, fired from his job and divorced by his wife, Vicki, decides to get even with his ex-wife and her new husband, Hal Childers. Brad’s asylum escape sets the stage for a final showdown between Bone, Vicki, Hal, and Brad, which ends in disaster. And Chief Noland finds that the stress he’s undergone from the bizarre events in Harper may have dire effects on his health.