In the middle of World War II, Rita Malsch, the youngest of four girls, was born in the picturesque city of Heppenheim, Germany. Growing up in an area rich with culture and history, she inherited a love for theater, art, and literature. After marrying, she and her husband emigrated to the United States, where Rita opened a licensed family daycare. Life was engaging, but in 2002, tragedy struck. A drunk driver hit Rita, forcing her to close her business. A third surgery on her spine to alleviate pain and damage from the accident left her paralyzed instead. After a lengthy rehabilitation, Rita returned home and regained mobility using a walker. While adjusting to a new life, she found drawing, painting, and writing were essential to her healing process. She learned to exercise, trust God, paint, write, and appreciate life again. At Home in Carmel is her third book, sharing her spirituality in the Carmelite Order and quoting Carmelite Saints, reflecting on the life of this testament to the healing power of faith in Christ. Mystical, practical, relatable, and inspirational, this testament to the healing powers of faith and creativity will nourish your soul.