In this captivating contemporary science fiction thriller, Ralph Yourie explores the conflict and coexistence of science and religion. Set in the latter half of this century, The Green Belt begins when Dr. Leon Stolski, a brilliant NASA scientist and engineer, devises a practical means of combining hydrogen and oxygen to make manmade water. This discover leads to a satellite system capable of creating weather patterns to reduce global warming, while turning deserts into farmland. To some this is salvation. To others, it goes too far. By controlling nature, is this an example of science playing God? An abdicated pope and his fanatical followers think so. The group, known as Revelationaries, believe that the end of days, as told in the book of Revelation, is upon us. The Revelationaries will stop at nothing to prevent the Green Belt from standing in the way of God's will and the destiny foretold in the Bible's final chapter. The dispute leads to murder, espionage, and the weaponization of science. Despite being set in the future, The Green Belt explores many of the real and crucial questions we are facing today. Fast paced and thought provoking, The Green Belt is a techno-thriller that will appeal to fans of suspense and mystery as well as science fiction.