ME and EZ is comprised of three parts. First, it’s the story of the author’s beloved dog, Ezra. James F. Vickery passed away before Ezra did, but he wanted this book to be published to honor Ezra. The book also contains poems, along with autobiographical memories of the people Vickery loved and his thoughts and observations of surroundings and events. “I have seen so much death, disease, and destruction in my short, happy life that I am seldom disappointed by life’s turns. I am kind of a bah humbug guy. Winter is right around the corner, the entire earth one unbroken machined, de-mountained, dis-rivered expanse of concrete paving protuberanceless by tree or bush or house or anything which might constitute a corner or treat to visibility. Like William Carlos William’s sparrow, I was I and did my best (11.136 ff), Whitman’s Self, I was the man, I suffered, I was there (song of myself). Some is bah; some is humbug.”