Meet Me At The Four Corners
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The germ of the idea to produce an anthology of the work of the Brampton Writers Guild came early in 2020. It had been at least fifteen years since we had last produced an anthology; time enough for our members to have written some memorable stories.
To encourage entries, as President of the Guild along with Ken Puddicombe, owner and publisher of MiddleRoadPublishers, we decided to start the ball rolling by running a contest for members only. We retained two outside judges to review the entries and in October 2020 we announced the prize winners—three each for fiction and non-fiction. We have included these six winning stories in this volume.
Our members come, if not from the four corners of the earth, at last count from four different continents—North and South America, Europe and Asia. We have taken often circuitous routes to Brampton, but we all have one thing in common: we are proud to call Brampton our home. We meet, when COVID-19 allows us, at the Brampton Library's Four Corners Branch, 65 Queen Street East and we would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Brampton Library and their wonderful, helpful staff for not only providing us with a meeting room but for making us so welcome there.
We are proud of our work which stems from a love of the written word. We hope you will enjoy reading our stories in the aptly titled MEET ME AT THE FOUR CORNERS as much as we enjoyed crafting them for you.
Michael Joll,
President, The Brampton Writers' Guild.