The Gift of Blood
  The Gift of Blood
Titolo The Gift of Blood
AutoreIannandrea Micah; Denarr Vaela
Prezzo€ 1,99
EditoreVaela & Micah Books
LinguaTesto in Inglese

Acquistabile dal 21 marzo
Hunger, yearning lesbians, and monstrous love. Monsters are real, and Ryann is one of them. Chosen as a weapon in a war that is not her own, she finds an outlet for her anger in the fighting pits beneath Toronto, and on the hunt for the vampires that changed her. Whatever the cost, she'll take back her life, her control—or make them fear the hunger they've roused in her. Burdened by monstrosity, Meg, assassin of the Scorching Dawn, drowns her pain in the blood of her enemies. When the call comes to slay the monster whipping the city's beasts into a frenzy, she welcomes the hunt. And in Ryann, she finds a violent thirst for blood—and the opportunity to feed her own. Shadows surround the city. The beasts within cower as the foundations writhe. Drawn to one another by a mutual hunger, Ryann and Meg must learn to trust each other—or perish in the dark.