Harmony and Health
  Harmony and Health
Titolo Harmony and Health
AutoreOmraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Prezzo€ 6,49
EditoreEditions Prosveta
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

Presentation Love your health! Our physical body is the expression of a form of perfection. Faced with ills or even illness, he is able to heal himself without any external intervention. On one condition: that we intensify the life within us in the greatest harmony. This book helps us considerably to change the way we think about health. ‘If you are ill it means that tou have entertained some form of disorder within: you have nourished certain thoughts or feelings, certain attitudes which have ended by affecting your health. The best defence against illness is harmony: night and day you should be mindful to synchronize yourselves, to be in tune, in harmony with Life, with all Life with limitless, comic Life. Only this is true harmony. It is not enough to be in tune with a limited circle of human beings: one’s husband or wife, one’s children, parents, neighbours and friends. You must be in tune with Universal Life.’ Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov Table of contents 1 - Life Comes First 2 - The World of Harmony 3 - Harmony and Health 4 - The Spiritual Foundations of Medicine 5 - Respiration and Nutrition 6 - Respiration: I - The Effects of Respiration on Health II - How to Melt into the Harmony of the Cosmos 7 - Nutrition on the Different Planes 8 - How to Become Tireless 9 - Cultivate an Attitude of Contentment