Neurosciences – a comprehensive approach
This textbook covers neuroscience from cellular and molecular mechanisms to behavior and cognitive processing. We also address evolution of the nervous system, computational neuroscience, the history of neuroscience as a discipline and neurophilosophy – to name but a few. The book provides the newest state-of-the-art knowledge about neuroscience from across the animal kingdom, with particular emphasis on model species commonly used in neuroscience labs across the world: mouse, zebra fish, fruit fly, honeybee, and nematode worm. We aim at university students of neuroscience, psychology, biological sciences, and medical sciences, but also computer scientists, philosophers, or anybody interested in understanding how brains work.
This approach exploits the multitude of different solutions that have evolved among animals providing a background for understanding the basic mechanisms not just of human neuroscience, but of neural systems per se. Furthermore, we emphasize model species: the animals that, on a day-to-day basis, are used in neuroscience laboratories around the world. 30 chapters written by world experts in their respective fields assure that the scientific content is up-to-date and at the forefront of science.