Is It Really the Gate of Gods?
  Is It Really the Gate of Gods?
Titolo Is It Really the Gate of Gods?
AutoreRobert J. Williams
Prezzo€ 2,49
EditoreBluebird Publications
LinguaTesto in Inglese

Amaru Maru, the Inca priest had nowhere to flee. The spaniards have defeated the Inca king and killed millions. Now he will surely be killed. Suddenly a golden disc appeared from the sky near the gate of sun temple and flew with him to the hills of Hayo Maru, a door opened from the solid rocks and the priest entered it. Where he had gone? This is the door to heaven! A beautiful lady is looking in the mirror. Seeing herself. she is watching. At least two thousand years have already passed.who is she? ... Who is this Elchi's mysterious woman A specimen from the lost city of Atlantis?