Wife Exchange: The Ancient Ritual of Living Happily and Other Myths

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Can you imagine a world where wife exchange is permissible?
Women can have sex partners according to her wish and vice versa? Is it a healthy custom? Hearing it seems awkward but it is prevalent from ancient times in many tribes. Read the book to know more....
The most sacred bond in the world is the husband-wife relationship. Although marital relationship lasts on faith-love. However, the marital relationship can be broken due to various reasons. One of them is extra marital affairs. No man likes to see his wife intimately with other men. In the same way, many wife do not like to spend time with their husbands. Due to these reasons many worlds are broken now. But you know what? There are some nations in the world who exchange wives to prevent adultery.
Wife-swapping is popular in many parts of the world, not just one. However, this pattern can be observed in some of the smaller ethnic groups in the world. In their opinion, this practice prevents alienation and even strengthens friendships and social bonds. This practice solves the problem of cheating between couples. Because they can have sex with more than one partner without hesitation. Not only men but also women can choose the man they want.