When I Saw You Again
  When I Saw You Again
Titolo When I Saw You Again
AutoreTiffany Rose
Prezzo€ 4,49
EditoreAuriel Rose
LinguaTesto in Inglese

My gaze stopped on a nice, shapely set of legs. My eyes working their way up those legs inch by sexy inch. 'Yes please!' I thought. I came to a pair of shorter black shorts, curvy hips that had me thinking about grabbing onto them from behind, nice tits that looked phenomenal in the light blue tank-top she was wearing. 'Damn' I thought. 'Thank God Kari brought a hot friend to be her bridesmai... Holy Fuck.' I almost choked on the air I was breathing when my eyes finally reached her face. Years of memories flooded back in a wave so strong that it almost knocked the wind out of me. I would know those eyes anywhere, green with specks of gold that were absolutely mesmerizing in the sun. Eyes that could see right into your soul and break your walls down from the inside. Those eyes belonged to Abby, the one that got away… I'd watched Josh as his eyes trailed up my body, but the second he recognized me and our eyes locked, my heart stopped. Heat flooded through my body, pooling in my core. 'Shit. This is going to be a long week. Keep it in your pants Abby. You're not going down that path again… even if it is a hot, sexy, toe curling path... damn he looks amazing… man I missed those lips...' my thoughts started running wild and I tried to shut them down fast. "Hi Josh." The words barely came out, I was so screwed. 'Couldn't he have gotten fat and gone bald instead of looking like... THAT?!'