My many questions about life, happiness, and success led to an in-depth study of two traditions—Thai Buddhism (my eastern view), and the New Thought Movement, which originated in the US (my western view). The two intersect at the mind, a powerful force when developed and well utilized. What I found to be available in the west are relatable examples and detailed guides on leveraging the power of the mind. Authors like Charles F. Haanel, Rhonda Byrne, Jack Canfield, and Dr. Joseph Murphy explain in clear terms how to apply the Law of Attraction and make use of the power of the mind. However, I noticed a common question across this genre of books by western authors: why are people different? Why do some people walk the same path and end up with different levels of success? Why do some still suffer when they could never have attracted that suffering in this life?
One plausible explanation is available in Buddhist scripture. Although I feel like some might perceive it to be as fictitious as Star Wars—which is completely fine and, honestly, if you're only mildly interested, I'd encourage reading this from that view—I think that talking about it might benefit some people on this planet.
Starting at the beginning of my journey, this short book will teach you all you need to know about the Laws of Karma, how it relates to the Law of Attraction, and Buddhist teachings about the mind, cosmology, and personal progress.