The Savage Son
  The Savage Son
Titolo The Savage Son
AutoreFrank W. Butterfield
Prezzo€ 3,99
EditoreFrank W. Butterfield
LinguaTesto in Inglese

Tuesday, December 15, 1953 Ivan Kopek is missing and his parents desperately want Nick's help. Ike, as he's known to his friends, is quickly found once Nick, Carter, and their pals are on the case. Unfortunately, Ike's in jail for a murder he didn't commit. And it was only because he didn't get the chance to do it himself. Meanwhile, it's almost Christmas. Nick's least favorite time of the year. But, Carter wants a Christmas tree and Dr. Parnell Williams, Nick's evil bastard of a father, has summoned them both to the mansion on Sacramento Street for Christmas day at 12 noon. And they're not to be late. In the end, Christmas brings Nick & Carter a number of unexpected and life-changing packages, both big and small. * * * In 1953, the richest homosexual in San Francisco is a private investigator. Nick Williams lives in a modest bungalow with his fireman husband, a sweet fellow from Georgia by the name of Carter Jones. Nick's gem of a secretary, Marnie Wilson, is worried that Nick isn't working enough. She knits a lot. Jeffrey Klein, Esquire, is Nick's friend and lawyer. He represents the guys and gals who get caught in police raids in the Tenderloin. Lt. Mike Robertson is Nick's first love and best friend. He's a good guy who's one hell of a cop. The Unexpected Heiress is where their stories begin. Read along and fall in love with the City where cable cars climb halfway to the stars. Long before the Summer of Love, pride parades down Market Street, and the fight for marriage equality, San Francisco was all about the Red Scare, F.B.I. investigations, yellow journalism run amok, and the ladies who play mahjong over tea. * * * This is a novel that runs to be about 56K words.