The Peculiar Lord Timothy Dexter
  The Peculiar Lord Timothy Dexter
Titolo The Peculiar Lord Timothy Dexter
AutoreStefan James Madison
Prezzo€ 9,49
EditoreLake Forest Publishing
LinguaTesto in Inglese

Lord Timothy Dexter, the fortunate cynic, has made a mark in history with his many outrageous business ventures. From exporting coal to Newcastle and bed warmers to the tropics, he seemed destined to find success regardless of what endeavor he set out on. But beyond these quirky scruples and perhaps questionable assets, Lord Timothy was also known for his kind heart. He found stray cats all around federalist Newburyport, Massachusetts, and sent them all off to the Caribbean as part of a grand mission he had set out for himself - garnering quite a stir in the process! He even published a novel featuring his own semiliterate and grammatically lacking stories. His book's surprising popularity earned it eight re-prints and helped make Lord Timothy an unforgettable American folk hero of sorts, with all his eccentric behavior and surprisingly successful ventures reminding us to never underestimate true audacity and ambition. Immerse yourself in the incredible story of Lord Timothy Dexter and his brilliant rise to success! Uncover how he found the prestigious title of "Lord" within a short span. This book also includes an exciting bonus book he wrote - "A Pickle for The Knowing Ones", so you can completely immerse yourself into his extraordinary world. So don't wait any longer - turn those pages now as you have found the best book written on Lord Timothy Dexter available!