Cursed or blessed, this is the story of a love that made me live and die at the same time. A love that took me to the heights of happiness and the depths of despair. A love that defied the laws of magic and destiny, but that could not resist the forces of darkness.
Everything changed when I left my quiet home village to study at Nightglen, the oldest and most mysterious magic school in the world. There I met Darius, the most beautiful and fascinating wizard I've ever seen. Their blue eyes mesmerized me with their intense shine, which sparked fire of passion when they looked at me. He won me over with his charm and passion, but he also revealed his terrible secret: he was a descendant of the Shadowthorns, a family cursed by darkness for generations.
For a brief moment, we thought we could overcome the curse, freeing him from the dark fate that had plagued him since birth. However, the darkness was stronger, and took it from me when I least expected it.
Without saying goodbye, he left without me, turning my heart into a thousand pieces, leaving behind our plans and dreams and, above all, a fruit of our forbidden love. I had to create this new life alone, fearing that the curse would repeat itself. But she proved to be strong and full of light, to my joy.
Now, I see her going her own way, away from me. I cannot interfere with her journey, as she needs to discover her own answers in the world.
This is my story, forever intertwined with that of my beloved in the memories I keep. Together we face the best and worst in others and ourselves. We were blessed and cursed at the same time. But in the end, after so much suffering, we were also able to truly love. And that makes it all worth it.
Will Darius and I ever meet again? Will our son discover the truth about his father? Will the darkness leave us alone? These are the questions that have plagued me since he passed away. And these are the questions you will find the answers to if you keep reading this story.