Survivors of a demonic massacre in the jungle are trapped in the spirit world, a technologically advanced parallel world, and are caught in a complex existential conflict between Humankind and Buni-an kind.
Captain Sarin and his Prowling Tigers recon team have been tasked to join the Gergasi Clan on a rescue mission and encounter shocking revelations. Azan and his new companion Buni-an spirit; Laila, recover from the previous attack and continue their journey towards the Well of the Seven Kings.
Meanwhile, Adib and his friends who are stuck in Azzah of the Buni-an world head towards Tera Khir town to find the antidote for the stricken and poisoned Dr. Nurul, unaware that a vast army from Hilaga is marching towards them.
This is BOOK 3 of The BU NI AN Conspiracy novel series.