Interview Techniques: The Essentials

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Prior to becoming a Career Coach, I spent many years in both the private (City) and public sectors (BBC and NHS) interviewing well over 1500 people for positions at different levels.
My belief is that any Interview is a two-way process and is just as much about the Interviewee interviewing the organisation and interviewer, as it is about the interviewer, interviewing the interviewee.
This short guide is based on my own experiences and designed to offer you a last-minute or "night before" guide to doing the very best you can at the Interview.
Ideally, you will read this guide at least a few days before your interview, giving you time to research your prospective employer.
The advice is designed to make sure the role you take is one you will be happy in, that will benefit you in your career and benefit the organisation in its objectives.
This book can be used as a workbook and includes exercises at the end of each section as well as spaces for notes.
This book contains the following sections
Researching your prospective employer
Preparing for the Interview
Detox your Social Media
Get your story straight
What to Wear
The Day of the Interview
First Impressions of your prospective employer
The Interview
Second Interviews
Video Interviews
Learning from the Process