Get Me to the Church on Time
  Get Me to the Church on Time
Titolo Get Me to the Church on Time
AutoreIan J. Kennedy
Prezzo€ 3,99
EditoreIan J. Kennedy
LinguaTesto in Inglese

John's life was getting complicated. For an anti-social person, John was expected to be a lot more social than in the past! Firstly, of course, he had his role in the World Council. He still wasn't sure whether World Presidents should sing Karaoke with children too young to vote, but he knew there was no escape now! Then there was the Primary School. John was Chair of Governors, and had set up a Pupil Parliament to help him represent the Children's interests at the meetings. Of course, the biggest cloud on the horizon was Kelvin's and Alison's Wedding. John wasn't a fan of parties, and this was bound to be a big one... He assumed he still had a year or two to prepare; but he assumed he had twenty-plus years to prepare for the arrival of his daughter, and look where that had got him! It seemed almost certain that John would be Kelvin's Best Man. At least Kelvin wouldn't expect John to attend the Stag night... Would he? Before all of that, it was time for the Summer JWCC.