In an era marked by political turmoil, ethical dilemmas, and societal divisions, From the Bhagavad Gita to the Ballot Box: Applying Krishna's Teachings to Politics by Arindam Bhattacharya offers a profound and transformative vision for leadership and governance. Drawing inspiration from one of the world's most revered spiritual texts, the Bhagavad Gita, this book transcends cultural and religious boundaries to present timeless wisdom for addressing the pressing challenges of our modern political landscape.
Arindam Bhattacharya masterfully bridges ancient philosophy with contemporary political realities, illustrating how Krishna's teachings on duty (dharma), selfless action (karma yoga), and moral courage can guide global leaders, activists, and citizens alike. With over two decades of political experience and a lifetime of introspection, the author unveils actionable insights for fostering ethical leadership, promoting social justice, and creating inclusive governance.
Through vivid narratives, real-world examples, and cross-cultural case studies—from Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of non-violence to global climate accords—this book demonstrates the universal applicability of Krishna's teachings. Bhattacharya examines how these principles can be harnessed to resolve conflicts, address inequalities, and inspire a new generation of leaders to navigate the complexities of power with integrity and compassion.
This is not a book about religion. It is a book about humanity, leadership, and the collective responsibility we share for shaping a just and equitable future. Whether you are a global politician, an aspiring leader, a political enthusiast, or a curious reader, From the Bhagavad Gita to the Ballot Box invites you on a journey of self-discovery, ethical transformation, and actionable change.
In this compelling narrative, Bhattacharya extends an urgent call to action: to reimagine politics as a force for good, rooted in universal values and driven by a commitment to serve the greater good. With wisdom that speaks to every culture and every era, this book offers a blueprint for navigating the turbulent waters of modern governance with clarity, purpose, and hope.
A must-read for anyone who believes in the power of ideas to transform politics—and the world.