Do you suspect your partner is doing something they shouldn't?
I know what that feels like, to feel that your partner is acting strangely, it could be their attitude, how they look at a person or that they don't want intimacy like they used to. I know what it feels like to be called crazy, paranoid or toxic, and to have it come from your partner, friends or even your family. But I also know what it's like to be right in the end. That feeling that everyone judged you for becomes real and at that moment no one says anything.
This book was created to be that help you always needed but were too embarrassed to ask for. This book will not judge you and will give you the tools you will need to make sure your partner is being faithful or not.
Best-Selling author Paula C will give you all the tricks, strategies and secrets she learned from over 20 years of dating douchebags. Additionally, Paula relied on psychologists, technology experts and even men who call themselves cheaters, to create the best guide on the market to identify and get proof if your partner is cheating on you.
In this guide you will learn:
? Infidelity 101: What the latest psychological studies say about infidelity and how you can use them to find out if your partner is cheating (Chapter 8).
? Psychology of Cheating: How to know for sure if your partner is acting suspicious (Tips from an expert relationship psychologist) (Chapter 12)
? Red Flags: What indicators exist to determine if your partner is acting strange and you should start suspecting him (Chapter 12.1).
? Hackers: Tricks and strategies for figuring out how to guess his cell phone password no matter how meticulous and forewarned he is. (Chapter 13)
? Instagram: 5 tricks on how to look if your partner is using Instagram to communicate with other women. (Chapter 14.1)
? Everything you need to know about Facebook and how your partner can use it to talk and flirt with other people.(Chapter 14. 2)
? How to look at all the secrets hidden in your partner's I Message (Updated to 2024) (Chapter 14.3)
? How to use WhatsApp, VSCO, Telegram, Signal, Tik Tok and Snapchat to discover your partner's infidelities. (Chapter 14.5)
? Discover the 3 ways you can tell if your partner is using dating apps (Chapter 15).
? Stalkers: The tricks to using hidden microphones, cameras and GPS trackers so your partner never knows. (Chapter 24)
? Masterclass on how to hire private detectives and hackers and not get ripped off (Chapter 25).
? Confrontation Expert: A psychologist's guide on how to confront your partner about his infidelity. (Chapter 28)
? FREE: The step-by-step guide on how to create fake profiles to find out if your partner would be unfaithful and never suspect it's you.
And much, MUCH more.
Paula C has sold thousands of books on dating. In her new book she will teach you more than 20 techniques on how to catch unfaithful men. Discover all the secrets and strategies taught by experts in all areas (psychologists, hackers, technology experts).